Thursday 7 January 2016

Song Selection

We wanted to go in an uplifitng direction with the order of our song titles; we wanted the album to be a 'finding yourself' album, in this case, finding yourself after a heartbreak. The first few songs are about being heartbroken with the last few songs being about self love and empowerment. As we have mentioned before, we want the song titles to be open for interpretation to our target audience, the descriptions below are just how we interpret the titles.

1. 'Without You'; As this is our chosen song, it's no secret that it is a real song by Lana Del Rey so we didn't create the title however, we feel that it was best to start with this song as we feel that it connotes the idea of Nova being unable to live without her now ex-boyfriend. This song therefore will show Nova at her most vulnerable.

2. '1811'; to the unaccustomed, this title is a challenge to figure out however, this is something we intended to happen as we want the audience to think about the meaning behind the songs, we don't want it to be obvious. As a group we wanted this title to represent a time; the time they broke up, the amount of times she thought of him, the time it clicked that they weren't together anymore. A time. We wanted it to represent her mind being so invovled in the moment that she can't focus.

3. 'Infactuation'; It continues on from the idea of Nova constantly thinking about her ex: it is rather self explanitory. She was and still is obsessing over their relationship and she finds it incredibly difficult to come to terms with her reality.

4. 'No Light'; This is the last heartbreak song on the album. For us it represents Nova at one of her lowet points, she can't see how she can live without the man she loves, she's really hurting. We feel that this shows that Nova feels like she has nothing good in her life, as if all of the light has been turned off.

5. 'We Are Human'; For me, this is the turning point in the album, this is where Nova begins to get better. She realises that it's okay to feel sad over the situation, everybody goes through it at some point and most people go through it multiple times. This song shows that its part of our nature to feel emotion.

6. 'Spectrum'; This title is quite vague but once explained it becomes fairly obvious. A spectrum is a large range of colours; this is a metaphor for Nova's emotions, she is letting them all out - releasing them to help her become happy again.

7. 'Recovery'; This is the breakthrough of the album, this is where Nova is putting in effort to become herslef again.

8. ' For Me';  I feel that this song represents Nova's self love, she realised that the most important love you need is love for yourslef, she now knows that her main priority is herslef. It is also a secret message of her recognising that she's made this album for herslef, when she goes through a heartbreak this album will help her through it.

9. 'Afire Love'; Afire love is a title that we feel shows Nova's passion and intense enjoyment for her career, her life and her friends; we feel that this title shows how grateful she is for being able to lead this life.

10. 'Home'; this is the final song on the album so we really wanted it to be a sentimental one. This songs symbolises her full recovery, she is herself once again. She went back home. The title 'Home' also connotes the overall idea of comfort, family and happiness.

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