Tuesday 12 January 2016

Rough Cut And Reviews

We decided to put our video on social networking sites such as Youtube and Facebook to get digital feedback from our target audience of people ages 16-23. We posted the video during the final editing stages of the creation of our video. this is so that we could get some fresh ideas on how to improve the video to be the best it can be  - there were some part of the video that we weren't sure on therefore it was vital that we received some feedback.

Posting our video on Facebook was a quick way to reach a large amount of of our target audience. It was also effective because we could also receive some feedback from people outside our target audience, to see if our artist appeals to them as well.

When posting the video we got many likes and responses to help improve our video - a large majority of the audience liked the video however, they felt that the ending needed working on as it was rather "Simple" and "Unmoving." For this reason, we have decided to have another filming day as we feel that the footage we already have is not good enough for the last scene that our audience is going to see; it is the one scene that people will remember the most. For this filming day we are thinking of working in a studio to show some diversity within our piece. 
Another comment for improvement was on some of the Red Ivy shots; there is a tracking shot of Nova walking down the Ivy whilst lip-syncing however, as her hair falls in her face you cannot see what she is singing, this is something that our audience picked up on and suggested that we fill that space with some other clips - this is something we are definitley willing to change as we want to please our audience as much as we can.
Other than these improvements, everyone else seemed to think that our video was "of a professional standard" and was "enjoyable to watch."

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