Thursday 7 January 2016

Filming Day 5 - Projection

8/10/2015 - Projection

As previously mentioned we wanted to put some projections into our video. In this session we done both image projection and moving projection, we feel that this will make our video look more artsty and entertaining for our niche target audience.

When doing the photogrpah projection we went back to the darkroom like we did for the trails of this. The darkroom is a really successful location for us as it guarenteed us complete darkness without any light interuptions, this allowed the picture to shine brightly and vividly. As Evie has most experience with the projector she was incharge of positioning both me and the machine to give us the best result.

The first image we tried was a sunset with pinks, purples and oranges being the main colours in the picture, this image links with the video as it is an establlishing shot, which we have and plan to continue filming a lot of these - sunsets are something that we find beautiful and they fit in with our nature theme. We have filmed a sunset in Faversham and the one in the image is pretty similar therefore, this shows some cosistansy within our work. For this to work successfully had to be completely bareback, this is so that there was no distractions from clothing, we wanted the sunset to be the main focus of this shot. I feel that this has worked successfully and will help progress our music video into a more creative and sophistictaed final product.

The second image we used was one of our friend Louis, as mentioned in a previous post; we wanted to toy around with introducing Nova's love intrest to the audience and we thought this would be a good way of doing it. After reviewing our shots we decided that this was not a route that we wanted to go down -  we put ourselves in our audience's shoes and figured out that if we saw that in a video we wouldn't think it was clever, infact we would most likely laugh, this is not the reaction that we want for our video.

Majority of the camera work used for this part was simple panning up and down, we didn't want to distract from the images on my back.

We then decided to put some moving projection into our work as we feel that this is unique and visually different to the rest of our video; moving projection is really simple yet so effective so we thought that this was the way forward, one thing we needed to be carful of was that it didn't look like a green screen, this is not a look we want in our video. We decided to chose a cyrstal clear ocean moving as the video that we projected, this was because it links with the locations used in our previous filming and it didn't distort my face in any way.
To make this work we used the projector in our media classroom and I stood on a chair so that my face was covered by the video; I wore an all white outfit to make it easier for the video to be seen if it were to end up on my clothing. Tamzin and Kate were filming this scene and they chose to film wide shots and close ups as I was lip syncing, they wanted the shots to be concerntrated with no distractions.

Review of Footage

From this short clip you can see what the photograph projection looks like, I really like how this looks as I think it gives off an artistic flare that our video will really need. Obviously, from this clip, the footage doesn't look amazing however, onve edited, cropped and put to music I feel that this can look rather good. The only downside to this is that I do not really like how Nova's hair is in this clip however, it was the only way that we could successfully have projection therefore, it is something I am willing to compromise on.

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