Thursday 7 January 2016

Filming Day 4 - Projection Testing and Red Ivy

7/10/2015 - Dark Room and The Red Ivy

Within our video we wanted to experiment with projections both video and images. In the first half of this filming session we tried out the image projection.

We firstly printed a sunset landscape and a picture of our friend Louis onto pieces of see-through paper. This is so that we can easily create a projection image. We wanted to have a boy placed as a projection because it will give the audience an insight to who the boyfriend of Nova was - this creates drama in the video as they now have a face for the person.

We thought that by putting his image in black and white it would make the image seem more like a memory rather than something current therefore, this will help the audience understand that the couple are broken up.
The sunset is something we wanted in colour as it gives off an artistic flare to our video. Sunsets represent the end of a day and a new beginning therefore, this links to the situation that out artist is in - the end of her relationship and a new beginning as a singleton.
From the videos in the Footage Review below you will notice that we had the projections also shown on my bare back, this was to show vulnerability within Nova, typically, the naked body is a symbol for being vulnerable and for this reason, we decided that this was a good idea.

In this session I did not do any filming as I was in every scene - Tamzin, Evie and Kate all took turns in filming and Evie also styled and positioned me so that we could get the best shots.

Within the second half of this filming day we went out into the red ivy that our school grows to ge some lip syncing shots. We thought that the red ivy would be an excellent location to film at due to it's vibrant colouring that will immediatly grab the audiences attention. The red also connotes the idea of romance, in this case, recovering from one. The location is also extremely acessable for us as it is on our school campus, a simple minutes walk from our classroom.

The day that we done this filming, the sun was extrmemely bright which caused some issues with the sun getting in my eyes a lot whilst filming however, we managed to get the camera in the sun, for amazing lighting and me in the shade so I could keep my eyes open whislt filming. Inconsistant lighting did not put a damper on our day as we managed to get pleanty of filming done - our sole focus for this session was lip syncing as not only were we running low on it but the background, we felt would be a good pop of colour to add into our video, without Nova being swallowed up by it. We thought that this time it would be best to lip sync the whole song just for security reasons, we wanted to make sure we had at least one location with every lyric sung so that if we needed to fill in space when it comes to editing, we had that saftely cusion to land on. I personally feel that this session went really well, I made sure to be very expressive and I tried to use my body more to convey the emotion behind the song. As planned, we mainly filmed medium wide shots, keeping me to one side of the camera and the background running through to the other - we feel that these type of shots work best as they fit everything we want into the frame without looking too zoomed out or too zoomed in. Tamzin also filmed  tracking shot of me walking down the ivy as it faded from green to red due to changing seasons, we thought that this would work well as it could connote the idea of falling in or out of love; this is one of the most unique shots we have so far so I have no doubt it will make the final cut of our video. 


We chose to put me in a plain black top and a tanned suede skirt for this scene - this was because we didn't want any colours that would take away from the background also, as we want our video to show differet seasons, to show a lengthy relationship, we thought that a tanned coloured skirt would be really good as representing autum as brown is a rather autumnal colour. My hair for this scene was straight as we wanted me to look as natural as possible.

We did have some spare time so we decided to film against a white wall, to try and see what a studio setting would look like with the rest of the video. I personally, hated everything about this setting - the lighting was over exposed, the wall was too clean and just a studio setting doesn't fit with the overall look of the video. I placed an atumnle coloured cardigan over my outfit, so that it looked like a completely different setting.

Review of Footage

This is a clip of the tracking shot we filmed by the red ivy. From this you can see how well the fade of colours looks with the mise en scene of Nova. I feel that once this clip is cropped it will look really outstanding and could really benefit our video. The only thing I am not keen on is that my hair hides my face and you cannot see me lip syncing properly however, I do not think this is something to be worried about at the tracking will make up for it.

 I really hate everything about this clip, I think that I do not look like how we want Nova to look; I look tired and unproductive, I think that the lighting is quite grey but also too bright - this just is not something I would be happy with putting in  my video.

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