Tuesday 12 January 2016

Editing Of The Video

The editing for our video was mainly taken out by me as I have most experience with the sofware however, we did all have a go at editing as we felt it was important for us to all contribute to all areas of the creation of our coursework. Below are some of the steps we went through to create our video...

The first thing we done was try to figure out how to use Final Cut Pro however, after much time looking at tutorials on how to use the soft wear, we decided that it was best for us to edit on iMovie as we know how the software works; this will therefore lead to a more successful final video.

Obviously, to create this video we had to do the simple edits such as cropping and spliting video clips - this helps us create a more clean and concise timeline. 

One form of editing that we used was fast paced cuts - We felt that this form of editing was successful for us as the song is quite slow therefore, by having a collection of fast cuts,will bring a new dynamic to the video. Another reason why we chose to have a collection of fast cuts was to show a complete flash back, we wanted to create a sense of "life flashing before my eyes" this will again reinforce the idea of Nova's partner remembering parts of their relationship. In this series of shots we also used the tool to speed them up, this was to speed up the video - making it more like a continuous flashback. From the video to the right, you can see how this flashback looks, after some dispute we decided to change the series so that it only consists of a few clips, this is so that it cuts in time to the lyrics "Hello Hello C-Can You Hear Me" this will be satisfying for our audience as it all ties together.

Throughout our video we wanted a general colour scheme of blues and pinks therefore,with some clips we had to do a bit of colour correction. We thought that it was best to have a general colour as the video will then be aesthetically pleasing for our audience - we think this is important as we want the audience to feel at ease whilst watching the video. We chose the colour blue as it is a calming colour, which will be good for our audience however, it is also a colour to represent sadness, this then relates to the lyrics of our song. The colour pink was chosen to represent love.

We also used slow motion within our video - this was so that the clips could link to the pace of the song, We used this on multiple clips in our video to show some continuity.

Some of our clips had too much going on in the background or there was elements in the shot that were unnecessary - to fix this we used the 'crop to fill' tool to crop out these elements. We think that this makes our video looks more refined and professional, this is a look we want for our video.

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