Tuesday 12 January 2016

Filming Day 7 - Studio

17/10/2015 - Studio

We decided to have another filming day as we were not satisfied with how we left the rough cut of our project. We went to a studio on campus and decided to try and get some artistic shots using coloured lights.

 Firtsly, we decided to chose pink as our main colour, this is because we feel that pink is a good colour to represent love. Not only this but the colour pink is largley linked to girls, and since Nova is a girl we thought that this could be a good way of representing woman around the world. Another reason why we chose pink was because our main colour scheme is blues and pinks therefore, this therefore shows continuity within our project.

The first few clips we decided to film was some lip syncing ones, our main focus was the ending of the song as we hadn't got any footage that we were happy with to be our ending; we feel that the ending of the video is probabaly one of the most important parts as it's the bit that leaves an impression on the audience. We also thought it would be best if I lip synced the chorus again as this is the part of the song that is going to need the most components therefore, we wanted to make sure we had enough, just incase we needed to chop and change some bits of our video.

Once the lip syncing part of the filming was done, Kate suggested filming some candid clips, this is so that we can have some shots to slot into our video and continue the theme of point of view shots. These shots include me flipping my hair, laughing and just looking at the camers, we feel that these worked well as they look natural and effortless.

The main types of shots we filmed were mid-close ups, and wide angle shots, having the camera positioned straight on; for us, we think that this will not only fit with the rest of our footage but also look more professional as we are focusing on one part of the shot instead of having a complicated frame that cna take away from the actual footage itself.


For this part of the video we wanted to keep my outfit fairly simple, black jeans and black boots being an obvious choice due to the edgy look however, to keep with the pink theme we chose to put Nova in a pale pink halter neck; this also shows the gilry side to Nova. We also decided to have natural wavy hair as we wanted Nova to look completel effortless in these sceens. The top that Nova is wearing has an extremely low back, we felt that this was a good choice as it showed off Nova's more rebellious and grown up side.

Review of Footage

 In this clip you can see Kate filming some candids of me for the point of view shots. I feel that once this clip is cut and edited that it will really look rather breathtaking in our video. One downside to this video is that you can slightly see the rest of the studio however, this is fixable by using the 'crop to fill' option on iMovie to get rid of this.

This video shows me lip syncing the chorus of the song. I feel that I done well with conveying emotion through the use of closing my eyes, I also knew the words very well so this looks fairlt realistic. Unfortunatly the overall lighting of this is quite dark so, if we use this clip, we will take to the editing suit to brighten it up a bit.

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