Thursday 7 January 2016

Filming Day 6 - Margate

14/10/2015 - Margate

We decided to go to Maragte to film for numerous reasons, one being that it is a seaside town therefore, we could do some more scenes by the sea and also Maragte is known for it's arcades, this is something we thought could incorporate into our video in some way.

We began our day by filming in a small café just opposite a stretch of the sea. This café had a really nice shabby chic, vintage look to it, this is something we want in our video as we feel that it fits the look of our vision really well we also thought this worked well in cooperation with Nova being surrounded by trinkety bits. The café also had a sentimental feel to it, which is important for us as the video is based on reliving happy memories that the couple had together. I feel that the café location worked really well as it matched other footage we have rather stylistically thus, connecting the locations together. I also filmed little sections of the cafe to use as filler shots if need be, I managed to film some small focus pulls that I feel will help us have more sophisticated work.

For the next part of our day we ventured over to The Turner Contemporary Art Gallery, we felt that we could gain some interesting and creative shots here due to its artistic nature. I feel that our visit was succesfull as the gallery consisted of projectors, coloured light sources, televisions and many more resources that we found useful. We found that this location was really helpful with the point of view shots as it allowed the camerwoman to follow Nova around to make it seem as if the boyfriend was following her, this gives the audience a more personal insight to the couple's life.

We then felt that we should proceed to the seafront so we can get some good lip sycning shots, on our way over we stopped at a sweet shop and by a mural to get some extra little bits that we can use in our music video. When at the sea front I changed my top so that we have a variety of outfits running through the video. All of the girls took it in turn to film and they used the tripod for extra stability as the weather was extremely windy - again, they filmed me off centre to match in with previous footage that we have gotten and to get a lovely pale blue background in a large amount of our shots.

The last part of our day consisted of filming some bits in the arcades, this is where we got a lot of point of view footage as we made it look as if the couple are playing games agasint eachother; we felt that filming indoors in a place with bright lights would give us some more unique footage that we could make useful. We took inspiration for this location from Lana Del Rey's 'Ride' video, in which she has a lot of scenes in an arcade.


The outfit that I wore for all but one shot was a dark grey one shoulder jumper with a black crop underneath, paired with black jeans and converse - this was to show the winter part of their realtionship. Again, we chose dull colours to fit with the edgy look that Nova has.  For the outfit that I changed into I just changed my top to a white ripped crop, this was to be similar to other outfits I have previously worn, whislt giving variety to the overal video.

Review of Footage

This is a clip of some of the lip syncing scenes that we filmed; unfortunately you cannot hear the music due to the wind overpowering the song. We decided to film the chorus up against a mural that consists of a collection of bright colours, we felt that this looks artistic and links in with the colours we have previously used on filming days - I personally really like this background as I feel that it shows Nova's interest in the country she lives in (the mural is a timeline of Margate's history), this will make her out to be a good role model to her younger fans. Something that I do not particularly like in this shot is the complexion of my skin, it is quite red however, this was due to severely cold weather so when editing we will use colour correction to make me look warmer.

This is one of the more candid shots that we wanted to film; Kate thought that this window in the café was a good location due to the Volkswagen parked up outside also, the natural lighting allowed the shot to be illuminated.  I think that this shot will be successful once placed to music as I think that it will be a clear candid shot. I do feel however that a more successful shot would be one of me pointing at the car, this is because it then creates a vintage feel to the video, which is something that we would like due to the overall video being a flashback.

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