Thursday 7 January 2016

Creating Our Inserts

For the inserts in our album we wanted to go for a thankyou page, to show Nova's gratitude and a picture page. 
To create the thankyou page we took a still image from one of the videos that we shot on our filming day to Margate. We then inserted a short thankyou note in write writing, then we used the curves tool to arc the writing, we then moved the horizontal scale to make it flat to the wall. I think this looks really professional as the writing looks as if it should be there. We wanted a really plain font so that it didn't overpower the whole image.
We then decided that the image we wanted to put in was a selfie, as seen to the left, however after much debate we decided that this wasn't the way we wanted to go as we had some more professional pictures that we thought would work better. Unfortunatly, we couldn't all agree on what image to use so I came up with a solution to put all of the images in the frame, as seen to the right. After this was created we all thought that the inserts looked really professional and artisitc.

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