Thursday 7 January 2016

Creating The Advertising Poster

This is the final outcome of our tour/album poster - It is an advert that you will find in a magazine taking up a double page spread. I feel that this poster is sophisticated and stylish due to its colour scheme and layout. The white writing compliments the colours of Nova's dress as well as standing out from the background. I feel that the layout of the poster is clean and sharp, making it easy to read and asthetically pleaseing. Below I have written a step by step to how we made this poster and the reasoning behind some of the choices we have made...

We chose to to a poster advertising a UK Tour (just the initial advert for it, meaning just the dates and venues) and the album instead of just the album as we felt that this is what most fans look for, they want to know when their idol is going on tour pretty much as soon as they hear that there is going to be an album.

1. Firstly, we unlocked the background layer so that we could move the image to the left slightly so that Nova was positioned off centre, this is to have continuity with our footage. We decided to go for a landscape advert as we feel that this will stand out against the other adverts that it will be near due to not many adverts being this orientation also, it allows Nova to then have a double page spread in adverts, giving her more publicity.

2. Next, we airbrushed Nova, just like Evie did when we were creating our album cover.

3. The next step in this task was to insert the text; we started off by inserting the artist logo and the album name. We originally had the font black however, we thought that the poster needed to be bright so we opted for the option of white font. 

4. We decided that we wanted the tour to be in the UK only due to Nova being an extremely new artist, and even though she has a large following on YouTube, we did not think that the rest of the world was quite achieveable yet. We chose May as a good month as it is in the spring, spring represents new life and in terms of the msic industry, Nova is a new born. To get the locations we looked at other tour posters for inspiration, we wanted to do a show in Cambridge since that is where Nova is from and we wanted it to be her last date as the last song on her album is called 'Home' therefore, it all links nicely - we researched into venues in Cambridge to find the 'Cambridge Junction.' The font used for this information is 'Basic Title Font,' the same as the album title's font; this is becuase the font is quite simple and we did not want anything too fancy that will be distracting from what the font actually says. Just like the back of the album we used the paint bucket tool to make some letters bolder than the others to give it an edgy look. We placed all of the font to the right of Nova as we felt that it would be better if all crucial information was together rather than spread out.

5. The next thing we decided to do was insert in her social media links, this is so that her fans can follow her and see what shes up too - this is where they need to look out for more information such as when the tickets go on sale and where you can buy them; we opted not to put this on the poster as this tour poster is just an initial one that gets printed way before tickets go on sale, it is simply to let her fans know that she is going on tour.

6.We then had a small advertisement of Nova's album, letting the fans know that it is currently avaliable on iTunes - we chose to advertise this on the poster as for those people who just stumble accross the poster, they can then go to iTunes to preview the album and hopefully become interested.

7. The final step to this process was to add in the Opal Records logo. We placed this next to the album advertisement as Opal Records, obviously, had a lot to do with all of this and the album was just the begining. We made the logo white so that it matched in with the rest of the poster.

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