Thursday 7 January 2016

Filming Day 2 -Whistable

7/9/2015 -Whistable

On the 7th of September we went to Whistable to film the first 'memory' scenes for our video.

We thought that Whistable would be a good location as it is a quaint seaside town therefore, it would allow us to ge some excellent beach shots as well as maybe some shots of me walking around the narrow streets. Whistable is a pebble beach, for us, this was really important as pebbles are linked to relaxation, we thought that as our song choice is a slower one, that this would all tie in nicely as slow longs tend to be linked with relaxation.

As this location is one of the 'happy' scenes, we decided that it was time to give lip syncing a go. For this we found a wall that was on the beach and positioned the camera so that I would be to the right of the screen, this is something that we would like to be a running shot throughout our filming as we want the audience to be able to see both Nova and her surroundings. At first I found lip syncing in public slightly dauhnting as you do get some people watching you, for this reason it took me a few goes to get used to it however, once I got confortable I found it rather easy; we thought it would be good to sing the opening verse and the chorus of the song in this location, this is because the opening is quite calming, like the sea so that fitted rather well and, as a group, we have decided to film the chorus in every location we go to as this is the section of the song that is going to need the most lip syncing.

We also decided to do some filming of me walking around on the beacg, looking both away from and at the camera - this is to make it look like the partner, whos point of view the video is from, is watchinf Nova and she sometimes catches him. The girls filmed a variety of movements including tracking and panning as well as some different shots such as long and mid.

I feel that this was a good location to use as it is extremely picturesque however, the whether was fairly dull that day so when it comes to doing any editing, we will be sure to sort out the colour balance to make it seem a bit brighter.


For these scenes we wanted something quite bohemian yet still edgey,for this reason I went with a cream gypsy top with black short dunagrees, I feel that not only does it represent both of these styles, but the dunagrees also show off Nova's more playful and childish side, as this is an age group that dungarees are linked too. As we were going to a seaside I also had my natural hair, which is waved - this links with the location as seasides have waves.

Review of Footage

 This is one of the lip syncing clips, watching this back I feel that I have done a good job of lip syncing, I am looking at the camera as well as off to the side, I feel that this makes it look more realistic as I'm not static however, from this clip I think you can tell that I am a bit nervous to be lip syncing, for this reason, I do not think we will use this clip in our video.

This is an obviou point of view shot. We plan of having a motif of a shot to look like Nova is holding her partner's hand, this is what this is showing - I personally feel that this worked really well as it feels as if you are holding Nova's hand and you can imagne yourself to be in the video, this is something we want our audience to feel. Once this clip is cropped and scaled, I feel that this could be really beneficial for our project.

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