Tuesday 5 January 2016

Poster Research

In order for us to create a successful promotional poster, we decided that we needed to do some research into posters that have already been made; as Lana Del Rey is our inspired artist we decided to look into her posters as they will give us the most relevant ideas...

This poster is advertising a single event that Lana is doing rather than a whole tour therefore, the information shown is her name, the venueand date, as well as other information. All elements on this poster are ones that we will need to include on ours, if we decide to advertise a whole tour obviously, we would have to include more than one date and venue. I persoanlly, like that the image used on this poster isn't one that is included in her 'Born To Die' digipack, this is because it allows her fans to see a different side to Lana as well as keeping them excited to the possibility of something different to what their used to; this is a good reason as to why we should have a different picture on our poster to our album cover, even thought 'Fragments' is Nova's debut album, it will still keep the audience interested in seeing multiple sides of Nova. Lana's trade mark logo has been cleverly placed on this poster as it is half way down the frame; this means that the audience can still see the image of Lana extremely clearly, which means their focus can be swapped between the image and the information, this is something that I feel we need to consider having our poster like as we want everything on our poster to be seen. This placement also breaks the typical convention of the poster being at the top of the page, which is something I quite like as Nova is meant to be a bit of a bad girl in the sense that she does what she likes without caring if other people judge her. Another element of this poster that I like is the fact that she has chosen to have her album adveritsed at the bottom of the frame, this allows her fans to know that her material has been released; it also allows people that haven't heard her music but are considering coming to the show to know that they can have a listen now.  
The actual image of Lana itself, is extremely edited, elemens of mist and a 'galaxy' effect have been implimented to entise the audience, making them want to come to the show. The editing has also been used to create a colour scheme, making sure that everything ties in nicely which is asthetically pleasing for the audience. 
All aspects of this poster are ones I feel we need to consider - do we want Nova to look heavily edited or natural? Are we going to advertise a tour, her album or both?

This is the tour poster for 'The Open Road Tour' which took place in January 2013, it was Lana's tour for her debut album 'Born To Die.' Lana has chosen to keep the layout on the poster the same as on her album cover, this is to keep her audience familiar to her as an artsit and for those who aren't sure who she is but like her music, they will be able to recognise that it is that album's tour. I like the fact that 'The Open Road' is in red writing as i feel that it stands out from the rest of the poster, this is important otherwise, at a first glance, the audience might think that the poster is promoting the album rather than a tour. The red letters being capitalised really grabs the audience's attention therefore, forcing them to read the poster. The image chosen is successful as it is prodominantly Lana's face, this is significant as it means that the audience can get to know her face. The use of the nautral colour white suggests innocence, which is something that Lana might have wanted to convey to her fans -  it also makes the attention go to Lana's face as the top isn't distracting. We have chosen to go for a white tshirt on our album cover, as shown in a previous blog post, and for this reason, we need to decide whether to stick with this and a busy background for our poster or to go for a busy outfit and a plain background. I think to show some continuity accross our porject, it is best for us to have elements of the album cover on our poster.

This poster is a promotional one for her album 'Ultraviolence.' This poster is extremely minimalistic in the sense that it literally has the image that appears on the album cover, her name, the album's name and the fact that it is already out. I like this poster as it shows continuity to her album; as this poster is more of a billboard, it shows the audience that the album is able to fit multiple mediums, suggesting that Lana can appeal to multiple people. The colours used are black and white, this is purely for no other reason than the fact that the album cover is in black and white however, I do like that the font is in white as I feel that this makes the text stand out, making it more accessible to the people that will see the poster. A downside to this is that is has very minimal information, this is because it is purely promoting the album and not a tour; this is something that I don't think we should do, I feel that we need to advertise a tour as well as the album as I feel that this gives the audience more to look forward too, the idea of a tour can lead the audience to buying the album as they want the whole experience.

From doing this research, we were able to think about different types of posters as well as what we actually want to advertise. In conclusion we have decided to advertise the album as well as a tour as we feel that this will appeal to our audience more.

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