Thursday 25 June 2015

Target Audience

I am going to analyse 3 of the words used in my Tagul so that you can have a deeper understanding of this target audience...

  1. Careless -The typical stereotype of a teenager aged 16-18 is that they are only interested in drugs and alcohol and pretty much just rebellion as a whole therefore, we thought that the word 'Careless' summed that up pretty well. This stereotype gives us room to play around with our character and decide whether we want them to have these characteristics - there are some teenagers like this therefore, if we decided to go down this route it allows the more rebellious side of our target audience to relate to our artist.
  2. Artistic - Due to our vision for the video being quite artistic we wanted to make our artist artistic too, this then makes the video relate to the artist in even the small details. A lot of people in general are artistic whether it be through art, music, dance or writing etc therefore we feel that Artistic is a good word to use as it relates to our audience and artist.
  3. Individual - Firstly, this links with our genre since it is 'Alternative/Indie' therefore, majority of people in this target audience bracket will have an individual style so we think that the word 'Individual' suits it very well. Also, everyone is different therefore, they all have their individual querks and we want this to be the target audience for our artist and video.

In the video above we discussed what type of target audience we wanted for our music video and digi-pack. We decided that all genders of the age 16-18 was the best idea as it is similar to our age and we like the genre of music we have chosen also, we know both boys and girls who like Lana Del Rey's music therefore, it was only right that we included both genders in our target audience.
We decided that typical stereotypes of this target audience aren't necessarily the best representation due to this age group being closely linked to drugs, drink and non-stop partying however, these stereotypes give us a lot of inspiration for our video as they are commonly seen in this genre of music; Lana Del Rey even uses these stereotypes too. In the word cloud above we have used words that are both stereotypes of this target audience and also words that we perceive as the truth of the stereotype therefore, we have a large variety of inspiration for our coursework.

After some more discussion and confering with our teachers we have decided to have the age group of 16-18 as a niche audience as it is rather small and then have an age range of 16-22 as an overall target audience as it applies to more people, which will help with the marketing of our artist.

1 comment:

  1. Good variety of different ICT packages and choices. The video is helpful; the audience can see and hear your thought processes clearly even in this early stage. I like the word balloons. Pull out 2/3 words that you're going to analyse in detail and discuss some applications for them in your actual production.
    Mrs H
