Thursday 4 June 2015

Choosing My Group

For A2 Media we again, had to work in groups of up to four to complete our coursework; the music video.
I chose to work with Tamzin Sellar, Evangeline Luckhurst and Kate McQuaid. Firstly, as we have worked together before, we know each others strengths and weaknesses and we know how to help each other to create the best work that we can, we had also created a very successful final piece in AS, without many disputes or issues in the whole process therefore, making us a strong team.

Tamzin's main strength is that she is good with the camera, she can come up with different shots and film them with a steady hand when the camera isn't on a tripod. Kate is very organised, she will come up with a schedule for us to stick too and organise locations to film on etc. Evie's main strength is her Mise en Scene skills, she can create an overall look that fits with our work and makes it all tie in together nicely. My skills are the editing side of things, I am very confident on software such as iMovie therefore, once all of the filming is done I can use my strengths to create a superb final outcome.

These girls also share the same music taste as me which of course means that when making the music video we should easily be able to come up with a list of possible song contenders that we all like. As a group we decided to do the music video as we thought that it was more of a change from the AS coursework rather than the film trailer, which is fairly similar. The music video also seems like more of a challenge as there is a lot more filming involved and many more skills need to be used and progressed such as lip syncing.

Overall, I feel that I have chosen a strong group who can work well together and bounce interesting ideas off of one another. I have high hopes for the next year of coursework.

Tam,Evie,Kate and Me

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