Sunday 12 July 2015

Target Audience Questionnaire

We decided to do a questionnaire to see what our target audeince expect to see within in our video/artist. We asked roughly 20 people, below you will see some images of some questionnaires...
As you can see from our results, we got some mixed reviews on the song; 75% of the audience said that the song was good to use and they thought it had great potential however 25% did not like the song, they thought it was boring therefore, due to the overall majoirty saying that it is a good song we have decided to stick with our original choice of 'Without You' by Lana Del Rey - this is because it will appeal to majoirty of our audience. Of course we would like to appeal to everyone but, you cannot please everyone so we will go with the majority

When it comes to editing our group wanted to do a mixture of fast and slow paced editing to show that we are skilled in this area. We asked our audience what they prefered- again, mixed reviews. Alot of the audience voted for slow paced editing so we are going to focus on this mostly however, to appeal to those who wanted a mixture or fast paced editing we are planning on having little snippits of fast paced editing too. We thought this was a good idea as all of our auidence are happy and it shows off our editing skills.

After lisetning to the song we asked the audeince what theme they thought should be shown in our video. The theme of 'Love' was evident in most questionnaires, as was expected, so we are going to incorporate this into our video in some way - some of the audeince suggested through a breakup or heart break or maybe a reflective video; these are all things we are going to consider.
We also asked the target audience what type of style they think our artist should have. Words such as 'Unique' 'Edgy' and 'Bohemian' came up multiple times therefore when creating our character, this is the route we would like to go down maybe have some denim pieces, monochrome colours and flowy dresses or skirt, this will fit all three of those words, which will ultimatly, please everyone and create a brilliant look for our artist. 

Obviously, we need to use interesting locations in our video so we asked our audeince whether they wanted to see multiple locations and what type of locations they thought were best. Results show that multiple locations will be most useful as it creates interesting scenes and keeps the audience watching also, they said that towns or fields would be good locations for our video as you can get some interesting shots and make any narrative feel realistic.

When discussing the age range for our target audience (16-18), we discovered that it is a good age range because it will make the video more relateable however, some felt that it was too narrow, so we decided to make it a niche audeince and then extend the wider age range form 16-22, as discussed in the previous blog post.

Finally, we asked the audience what parts of the song they think is best for lip synching. Most said chorus but some said random little snippits of each verse and chorus in the song. We are going to have lip syncing in each part of the song so that it pleases the whole of our target audeince also, we feel that this will help make the video interesting.

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