Wednesday 24 June 2015

Initial Ideas

The Prezi below is a brainstorm of ideas that we have had for our video, below that is a more detailed description of these ideas....

1. The first idea that we have had meant that the footage would be shot primarily in a studio. There would be a lot of performance with an element of contemporary dance involved, this would make our video current as this is something that you see more often in music videos nowadays, Sia's Chandelier Video is a prime example of this. We were mainly inspired by a variety of other student's A2 music videos that we have watched when they would lip sync inform of a range of different backdrops - whilst this may be a simple technique, it can be fairly effective as it doesn't take too much attention away from the artist yet it gives the frame that little extra spark. A downfall to this idea is that we would have to have a choreographed dance, this is quite challenging as sometimes when you're putting together a dance, it can look tacky if done incorrectly also, a performance based video means a large majority of it will be lip syncing which is something that we do not want due to the fact that lip syncing is very hard to get perfect, especially since the voice that we are using is so well known.
2. Another idea that we have had is to do a narrative video based around a couples summer relationship. It would show the highest and lowest points of their relationship - including the break up, this video could also focus on how our artist is coping with the breakup. We think that we would like majority of the video to be in the point of view of the boyfriend as it will allow the audience to see our artist in a personal light therefore, we would not need to cast any boys for our video. These themes of love, heartbreak and vulnerability will allow us to experiment with different locations, both indoors and outdoors, to show things like pathetic fallacy. We can also try out different camera angles and movements to show the emotions in the video. I think that this is probably our best idea, the only downfall could be that if this is not done artistically and precisely, it could look rather mediocre.
3. A third idea is to turn the real meaning to the song in a completely different direction, and look at it as if Lana is singing about dealing with death. We would have made it so that our artist is dealing with a loss and is not really coping, again we could try a montage of 'good memories' with the person who has died; this will allow us to get an extremely large variety of shots and locations to create a large amount of memories and emotions that would hopefully provoke a mixture of emotions within our audience. However, this theme of death could be too deep and dark to have as a debut music video therefore, I think that we should stay away from this idea.
4. Finally, we thought of having a more comedic video, testing typical conventions of music videos. Our idea is to have funny characters involved to create more humour for the viewers. Humour can be extremely effective as it will definitely get the video spread through word of mouth however, it could create a bad image for our artist, we also would not be able to have a large audience as only few people would appreciate a comedic spin to a sad song - this is emphasised with the fact that every body has a different sense of humour meaning that our audience would be extremely niche, which is the opposite to what we want; a mass audience.
We have decided to go for option 2. this idea will let us experiment with the theme of love - this not only will allow us to put ideas that relate to us in the video but it will also give the lyrics more meaning as we feel that love fits them the most. We all agreed on the point of view shots idea as it will make the video more personal for the artist, creating a connection with the audience as they feel that they know a bit more about her personal life. Point of view (POV) shots also link to our inspired artist, Lana Del Rey, as she has used POV shots before.
This is a POV shot used in Lana's 'Shades of Cool' video.

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