Friday 5 June 2015

What Is A Digi-Pack ?

Definition of a digi-pack - "A type of Packaging for CDs or DVDs typically made from cardboard with an internal plastic holder or one or more discs"
Part of our coursework is to create a digi-pack for our chosen artist and their album. A digi-pack is pretty much the same as a normal album however, it is made out of cardboard instead. Digi-packs are often more expensive than a normal CD as it opens up like a tiny book, this gives more room for inserts such as lyric books or multiple CDs.
Digi-packs are normally used when an artist releases a special album, this is because digi-packs create a luxury look therefore, artists tend to use these when they are creating something exceptionally special to them.
When creating our digi-pack we need to consider things such as colour schemes, style, fonts and how it is going to represent our artist.

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