Thursday 8 October 2015

Logo Research

Artist Logos

We have decided to look at some of the artists we talked about when decided who's song we should do as they are female artists in the genre we are looking at therefore, they are most like our artist.

Lana Del Rey's logo is extremely simple, it is just bold block capitals. We like this logo the most as immediately upon sight, it is prominent and creates a feeling that Lana is strong headed and independent. Lana is the star and this is her new album. The bold writing shows importance and structure; it also makes it clear that she is passionate and serious about her music. The bold capital letters are something that I think my group should consider when we make our own logos.

This is Birdy's artist logo. As you can see the text is rather soft and dainty, this is appropriate for Birdy as a lot of her songs are slow, heartfelt and show a sense of vulnerability - therefore, a harsh, blond text wouldn't really be suitable to represent her as an artist. With the design you can see that a lot of thought has been put into this due to the 'B' being a lot bigger than the rest of the text, this is to tell Birdy's audience that this is her; it also connotes to the audience that Birdy is a unique talent. I personally like the thin writing however, I think if my group was to have thin writing we would maybe layer it up to give it a bolder effect. The use of unique letters if definitely something that I personally would like to consider as it can make an artist stand out against the others in the industry.

Florence and the Machine are an indie/alternative group and this is well shown within their logo, the font looks handwritten, which not only makes the logo 'alternative' but also makes it more personal to the artist. I like this logo however, to me, it does look a bit childish therefore, I don't think a handwritten logo is what we should go for.

Record Label logo

We would like to have our own record label, to help us decide what our logo will look like, we decided to look at some real life record labels to get some inspiration.
This is 'Q'Prime's' logo - personally, I think that the design is interesting as lime green is not really a colour that you associate with the music industry, it makes the label stand out amongst others. Another element that I like in this logo is how the circle around the 'Q' and the 'PR' looks like a vinyl record, this makes a direct link to the music industry - this is something that I would like to think about for  our logo as I feel that this makes it obvious what line of business our label is in.

Virgin Records has a distinctive logo as it is in convergence with the Virgin Television, Broadband and other aspects of Virgin as a company. The colour within the logo is a bright post box red, this captures the audiences eye however, I think that red is a colour we would like to stay away from as it can symbolise danger and death, which is something that we do not want our label to represent.
This is the Universal Music Group logo, just as Virgin, Universal is a multi media company, therefore the main part of the logo is one that is recognised across most forms of media. I like this logo as I think it is sharp and strong, in terms of advertising who the brand are. I also like the use of the colour black as I think that this looks neat and it is also bold, which will grab the attention of their customers; this is something that I would like to have within out logo. 

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