Friday 2 October 2015

Choosing our 'Star' / Lip synching

We decided to have members of our group be in the video as we found that this will guarantee reliability - myself and Evie decided to audition for the role.

For the audition we wanted to see the lip syncing skills as this will help us see who will look more professional...


Evie's lip syncing was extremely good as you could clearly see what she was singing and she did not get a single word wrong however, we felt that it looks as if she over sang some of the words, this can sometimes come across as fake or unrealistic therefore, it is a downfall to her audition. 
Evie has a strong indie/alternative look - this fits with our genre very well, this then makes her a possible winner for the part.


In my audition we decided that I was good at lip syncing, you can see what I'm signing and it looks fairly believable, the only downside is that my eyes do not really look like they are enjoying it - this is definitely something I will work on if I am to get the part.
Just like Evie, I have an indie/alternative look although, I can also look quite bohemian, which makes me a strong possibility to win the part. 

Final Desicion

As a group we decided to have me as the girl in the video, this is because of my versatile look and strong lip syncing skills. I also have a background of acting and dancing therefore I am more likely to do a better job on this type of project as I have good acting skills and I am not afraid to do some more embarrassing things to get a good shot. As an improvement for me I am going to work on making my eyes look more alive and my facial expressions to be more excitable or sad, this is so that I will be able to convey a variety of emotions in our video just by using my face.

1 comment:

  1. A good way of making a decision and excellent use of ICT to show it.
    Mrs H
