Thursday 8 October 2015

Creating our Logos

After researching into currently existing artists and record labels, we decided that we had enough scope to design our own. Instead of drawing some fonts out from scratch we decided to look on which is a website that offers an enormous range of texts to choose from; this was we are guaranteed a professional text. Below are the texts that we have taken into consideration...

Artist Logo

The first text that we liked is called 'Kersse'. We liked this text as it has a hand drawn look to it and too me, it is rather royal looking, which will create a sense of importance for our artist. We think that this hand drawn look creates a personal feeling for our artist which will make the audience feel connected to her in some way. The only downfall to this text style is that it is quite dainty which suggests that it will not stand out on the album cover, this will not get Nova the attention she deserves and needs to make it in the industry. Similarly, due to how dainty it is, our audience might think that Nova is weak and is not cut out for the music industry, and although Nova has a sense of vulnerability about her, like every teenage girl does, this is not the impression we want her and her album to give off; for this reason, I do not think that we will use this font as our artist logo.

This text is called 'Arenq,' out of all four of these fonts this is our favourite, this is because of the lines having a geometric theme, which is something that we quite like as it makes the logo unique, like Nova. Personally, I think that this font is the most professional out of the four due to its simplicity as well as its sharp lines. A downfall to this font is that the lines are rather thin however, we can use Photoshop to make these lines thicker if need be, we can also change the colour, which shows how versatile this font it.

'Hackers' is probably the most 'out there' of the fonts as there is quite a lot going on, this is good due to it connoting a unique image for Nova, and it is extremely bold which will make it stand out however, I personally think that due to the complexity of the font it can come across as a bit tacky also, once placed on our album cover, in which we hope to have a background pattern, we fear that it will look too busy, making it unsettling for our target audience.

The last of the four texts is 'Caribbean Tool'. This is most definitely my least favourite of them al; I think that it looks too much like a font that you would see at a china tea shop or on a tattoo, which is not the look that we are going for. The only good element is that the text would appeal to extremely girly and feminine people however, Nova is an edgy character, and this font would just not fit her personality. In addition, the flowers ruin the font, if it was a plain, bold lines, we would consider this font as our final logo.
Record Label Logo

The first text we looked at is called 'Sandre' and instantly, we fell in love with it. Not only does it look extremely professional but it even has little lines that could resemble Piano keys, giving us a direct link to the music industry, which will automatically, make us have a more professional finish. The variety of bold and thin lines will appeal to most people's tastes - this element makes the text immediately recognisable, with an element of style. As previously mentioned in our Logo Research post, I think that having an all black logo is more professional, and for this reason I am not too concerned on the difficulty it will be to insert colour into our logo.
We chose to look at 'Dark Elf' as a logo due to the unique style of the 'O'. This personally is my least favourite due to it looking weak and too much like a video game font rather than a record label. Although it has that unique look about it, I think that it is too thin to put against any backgrounds or to use as something that is going to represent our whole brand. I think that this font looks unprofessional and if I was presented with this as a marketing logo I would be very disappointed.

'Boredom' was another favourite of mine due to the intensity of the boldness and the fact that the round parts of the letters look like Vinyl records, again, giving us a direct link to the music industry. The boldness of this text would tell people that Opal Records are best in the business and they are passionate about what they do, this is something that we want for our record label. The downfall to this logo, I think, is that it looks quite 60s/70s - this is not something that we would like out record label to represent as it could make our audience feel as if we are outdated and therefore, do not know what we are talking about.  

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