Sunday 23 August 2015

Lyric Analysis

One of the most important parts of our video is to have a large variety of scenes and shots throughout in order to show a progression of time during our artist's life. Therefore, we decided to take into great consideration the lyrics - this allows us to plan and prep the best places for our scenes to be placed in the video. Not only does this allow us to match some visuals to the lyrics, but it also allows us to think about an order for our story line and evaluate why it does or doesn't work. As you can see we have annotated the lyrics so that we have a rough idea of where we would like to put things -
we have placed 'Relationship at strongest' and 'Happiness' near the top half of the song and then 'Breakup' towards the end - this is just a rough plan of where we would like things to go, start of happy and then end on a sympathetic note. I feel that this form of planning is useful as it allows us to A. Plan how much footage we need B. Have an idea on what type of footage to get and C. Have a rough idea of the pace of progression of time. We think that by having the saddest part of the video at the end is appropriate as the lyrics suggest a depressed mood; this is signified by the repetition of 'Nothing without you'.
The blue highlight used is to show which areas of the song we are wanting to lip sync - including the repeated phrases such as 'Hello hello, c-can you hear me?' This is because they are the most memorable therefore, it was common sense to have it lip synched. We want to make sure that the lip synching is varied evenly throughout the video as it would look not only unprofessional but also, strange to have, for example, all the lip synching done in the first and third verse but no where else in the song. We chose not to have lip synching during the bridge of the song as the pace gets rather fast, so we want to have more fast pace editing to show our skills and make the video more interesting.
To maintain a professional look, analysing the lyrics helped us understand the song better and really grasp what the writers were feeling. It allowed us to really consider our options in terms of what lyrics to sing for a professional look - we can see which lyrics to stay away from so that we will avoid any mistakes or unwanted looks.

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