Wednesday 30 March 2016

Evaluation Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How have I improved from AS Level?

Since AS Level I feel that I have improved a vast amount in my research and planning; my A2 research and planning, I feel, is a lot more detailed - this shows improvement as last year, although I had a lot of research and planning, it wasn't really detailed enough whereas this year, I made sure to evaluate in my posts and use technical terms.
My editing skills have also improved as I have learnt how to do things such as colur correction and cropping a clip so that the  framing is smaller, this makes my work look more refined and professional.
This year a lot more effort has been put into my work, I made sure that we had a plan of exactly what we wanted to do whereas last year, we just had a rough idea.

I have also improved the equipment I used this year. In AS we used a smaller camera that was low quality however this year we used a much larger one that had a higher HD  - this allows out work to look more refined, especially in comparison to last year.
We used better technology as a whole for example, studio lights and projectors to make our work brighter and more artistic.

This unit was fairly different to last year as it allowed us to have more scope to be create, we had less limits whereas last year, we had a restraint on what outfits we could wear and what music we could use as we were told what genre our film opening had to be. I feel that this unit has allowed my confidence grow in the creative side of the project, which is helpful as our music video was fairly artistic. I preferred the music video as it was a lot more fun to make as a whole, we went to lots of different places this year in comparison to last year when we only had two locations and one of them was school.
 My knowledge on technology and media has a whole has dramatically improved since AS - I am really happy with our end product, I like it a lot better than our film opening last year, I feel that this was because there was more to do therefore, I got more emotionally invested in the project.

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