Thursday 10 September 2015


In preperation for the filming of our music video, we created a story board. This is so that we can create a plan of how we want the video to look and the different shots that we are planning on usuing; Story boards also help up figure our the scenes in corrilation to the lyrics. This story board gives us a basis to work from and will help us develop our idea; it is just a guidline for us, so some things may chnage when it comes to the final product. Below are some images of our story board...

As you can see we are planning to use a variety of shots, this is to make the video more interesting and to make sure that our audience continues watching. We don't want our video to be broing or 'samey samey' so we decided that by having a large variety of shots/scenes in our video we will hopefully stay away from this. From these images you can also see that we are experimenting with different ideas such as hologrpahic lighting and tracking shots, these are ideas that we hope to at least be able to try out as they are fairly inventive and we feel they can make for a great video.

You can also see that we have written the lyrics we would like to lip synch next to the frame that we want to lip synch these in, this is so that when we come to editing our video, we know roughly what we want to aim for; it also helps in terms of filming so that we can set up approriate locations to be as our background.

As I have previously mentoined, this story board is just a guildline for us to follow when we go to film, we may change some shots or camera angles as when we go to put these frames into practice, they might not work as well as we hoped.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely presentation on your blog post and excellent detail on your storyboard.
