Thursday 10 September 2015

Location Research


For our video we are wanting many 'outdoor' locations to create a theme of nature within the video; we also want Nova to come across as a down to Earth woman that appreciates the beauty in nature therefore, locations that are outside will help us achieve this.

Since Lana Del Rey is our inspiration for our artist and overall look of the video we decided to research into some of her videos to see what kind of locations she had chosen to use...

In the music video for 'Ride,' Lana uses a lot of different locations to create a dynamic video.
One main location she used is a 'desert,' this is to create a sense of confusion as she is shot swinging on a tyre swing, something that you do not typically find in a desert, this is an effective location to use as it gets the audience talking about how strange it is, this not only gives the video publicity but it also makes the viewer want to continue watching to see what else Lana has up her sleeves. However, you can say that a desert is not the best location to use since it doesn't really have anything to do with the lyrics, this breaks Goodwin's theory of the visuals and the song matching; this may confuse the audience in a negative way.

In the music video for 'Blue Jeans', one of the main locations used is a swimming pool. This creates a sense of missing luxury as the song is about her partner leaving her therefore, she is missing a part of her 'paradise.' I think that this location makes for an effective video as it leaves room for interesting shots both in and out of the water however, you can say that this location doesn't have anything to do with the lyrics so it isn't really there to satisfy the audience in the sense that the song and the visuals connect. Overall, I feel that this is a successful location due to the variety of shots you can get and because it shows how something so simple as a swimming pool can create a depressing effect.

Lana Del Rey's 'National Anthem,'  uses multiple locations however the one that caught my eye the most was the flower field - this is because of the vibrant red colour of the flowers. In terms of this video the colour represents love, Lana's undying love for her partner in the video. This location works well due to the simplicity of it, there really isn't anything special in a regular field of flowers however, in this video, it captures the romance in the video and shows us the connection between the couple. A downfall to this location is that there isn't much character or a wow factor to it therefore, it might not attract as many people as Lana is hoping too. Overall, this is a successful location for me personally due to the simplicity but, as a general observation this may not be the best location Lana has ever used; I think this type of location is something my group need to discuss in a very critical way to make the right decision for our video.

In 'Video Games' one location used was just a corner of a room, with a plain white-blue wall. This to me, is a boring location due to there literally being nothing to it; it's too simple. A positive to this location is that it puts all focus on Lana herself, making her the centre of attention - I think this is effective as it can boosts sales from the mega fans that adore Lana. As a whole, this is not a location that I would put in my video as it is too simple with nothing to it.

In 'Summertime Sadness' one location used is the edge of a cliff looking over the skyline of the city she is in. I think that this is extremely effective due to how you can focus on Lana herself yet you can also focus on what is around her, this location creates drama and a breath-taking sensation due to the limited light and the open space. Personally, I cannot find a bad point about this location therefore, it is something that I would definitely pitch to my group.

In the 'Born To Die' video there is an indoor location, it looks like the inside of a castle/ the throne room. I like this location as it shows power and importance as well as showing class and grace, these are qualities that we would like for 'Nova' to have. A negative about this location is that it doesn't give us much room to be creative due to restrictive furniture whereas, with an outdoors location, we could use the nature around us to create some interesting shots. Overall, I feel that this is the worst of the locations due to it being rather restrictive in terms of filming however, as a place to convey our artists personality and essence, this is a very good location.

As a whole, we have decided to have a mixture of indoor and outdoor locations however, we would like more outdoor locations as we feel that the nature invovled will give our video character as well allowing a breathtaking feeling overwhelm our target audience of 16-22 year olds. 
From the prezi above, you can see what locations we are hoping to use and reasons why - when it comes to the filming days I will go into more detail as to why we liked the location we had used.

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